Publication date: 19 April 2024

On the 20th Anniversary of the Family Reunification Directive, this Inform offers a thorough examination of family reunification practices and legislation for beneficiaries of international protection across EMN Member and Observer Countries. It specifically looks at the procedures in place for applying for family reunification and how these have evolved considering recent (since 2017) case law before the European Court of Justice (CJEU), and where relevant the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR).

Publication date: 05 January 2024

This ad hoc query provides comparative information on the waiting period that applicants must prove before applying for family reunification in the EMN Member and Observer Countries. It also examines legal time limits for processing an application for family reunification and it clarifies whether such processing time is included in the above-mentioned waiting period. 

Publication date: 25 September 2023

This ad hoc query collects information on the submission, processing and examination of applications for family reunification with beneficiaries of international protection. It also focuses on documentary requirements which apply in this context. Finally, it touches upon family reunification with and for children, including children coming of age.

Publication date: 02 April 2020

21 Member States provided information on national laws and practices regarding the time limits for decisions on family reunification and the consequences of exceeding these limits.

Publication date: 20 July 2017

This EMN Inform summarizes the main findings of the EMN study on "Family Reunification of TCNs in the EU plus Norway".

Publication date: 20 July 2017

Today, the Belgian Contact Point of the European Migration Network published a new national report on Family Reunification of Third Country Nationals in Belgium. The report served as the Belgian contribution to an EU Synthesis report on the subject, which compares national policies and practices on the subject in 25 EU Member States and Norway.

Publication date: 29 June 2012

This EMN Inform presents the main outcomes of the above-titled EMN Focussed Study.

Publication date: 27 June 2012

Based on the main findings of national contributions from 24 EMN NCP, the report highlights similarities and differences in means of prevention, detection and action, as well as statistics related to marriages of convenience and false declarations of parenthood.

Publication date: 07 March 2012

UNHCR answers questions raised by the European Commission on the Right to Family Reunification of Third Country Nationals. It provides practical recommendations on different issues of concern related to family reunification of beneficiaries of international protection.

Publication date: 16 September 2011

The Think-Tank Itinera Institute analyses in its publication the new legal rules on family reunification in Belgium

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In a judgement released today, the Court of Justice of the European Union held that an unaccompanied minor refugee, who reached majority during the procedure relating to the application for family reunification with his or her parents, has a right to such reunification.

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According to the Court of Justice of the EU, European Union law precludes national legislation which requires, without exception, that an application for family reunification be submitted in person at a competent diplomatic post.

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Ahead of the Family Reunification Directive’s 20th anniversary, this new comparative report provides a comprehensive overview of the current implementation of the Directive and other forms of realisation of family unity for individuals in need of protection across 23 European countries based on ECRE’s Asylum Information Database (AIDA).

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The Court of Justice of the European Union interpreted Article 2(f) and Article 10(3)(a) of the Family Reunification Directive in its decision from 17 November 2022 in the case X v Belgium. An unaccompanied refugee minor residing in a Member State does not have to be unmarried to enjoy the right to family reunification with first-degree relatives in direct ascending line.

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The Commission is presenting guidance for the correct and meaningful application of the Family Reunification Directive (2003/86/EC) across Member States while avoiding possible abuses.

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In a communication released today, the Commission provides guidance on how to apply Directive 2003/86/EC. Member States are invited to use their margin of appreciation in a manner that doesn't undermine the objective of the Directive.

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The Centre for Equal Opportunities and Opposition to Racism (‘Centre’) organizes a colloquium on the problematic of so called ‘reverse discrimination’ concerning the new national law on family reunification.