Conference on attracting start-ups (Luxembourg)

The Annual National Conference of the EMN Luxembourg on “Attracting start-up founders and innovative entrepreneurs from third countries” will be held on the 1st October in Esch-sur-Alzette.


According to the European Commission, to remain a globally competitive player, the EU needs to find better ways to attract innovative migrant entrepreneurs and support migrant entrepreneurs already present in the EU. In this context, the annual conference of EMN Luxemburg entitled “Attracting start-up founders and innovative entrepreneurs from third countries” tries to offer a broad overview of several start-up schemes from across and beyond the EU which provide various incentives for start-up entrepreneurs from third countries.


1 October 2019


University of Luxembourg, Belval Campus Maison du Savoir, room 3.330, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg



To register, please click here.

More information?

The draft program can be found below. For more information, please visit the conference website.

Date de Publication: jeu 11 juil 2019
Thème principal:
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