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Débat organisé par la Fondation Robert Schuman avec Mr. Jacques Barrot (ancien Vice-Président de la Commission Européenne) et Mr. Carlos Coehlo (Député européen PPE/PT), animé par Mr. Jean-Dominique Giuliani (Président de la Fondation Robert Schuman)

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La directive 2003/109/CE du Conseil a été amendée par Directive 2011/51/UE du Parlement Européen et du Conseil du 11 mai 2011 afin d’étendre son champ d’application aux bénéficiaires d’une protection internationale
Thème principal: Migration
Mots-clés: Directives UE

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EMN presents its synthesis report of the EMN study ‘Satisfying Labour Demand through Migration ’. Source of this publication are the different national studies, carried out in 2010 by the National Contact Points (NCP's) of the EMN.

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Cette conférence de la Fondation Roi Baudouin se concentre sur les migrants originaires de Chine, du Maroc et de Turquie. La conférence discutera de la question de savoir si les activités transnationales menées par ces migrants sont plutôt un facteur d'intégration ou de ségrégation.
Thème principal: Intégration
Mots-clés: Transnationalisme

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On 9 and 10 June 2011, the Justice and Home Affairs of the Council of the European Union took place in Luxembourg. On the agenda of the home affairs ministers stood, amongst others, amendments on FRONTEX-rules and the Schengen evaluation of Bulgaria and Romania.
Thème principal: Asylum, Migration, Economic migration, Borders & Visa
Mots-clés: Council

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Le Centre pour l'Egalité des Chances et la Lutte contre le Racisme (Centre) a publié une version anglaise de son Rapport Annuel 2009 sur la Traite des Êtres Humains, originellement publié en français et en néerlandais en octobre 2010

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Le Sommet des Ministres ACP-EU du 31 mai dernier choisit d'intensifier le dialogue sur les questions migratoires
Thème principal: Dimension externe
Mots-clés: Pays ACP

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On May 24, 2011, the European Commission presented its proposals for a better managment of migration flows from the Southern Mediterranean region and for amendements to the Visa Regulation

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On 19 May 2011, the 14th EU-Russia meeting on justice and home affairs took place in Russia
Thème principal: Migration, Borders & Visa

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Final conference of the European TCN's project on migration and integration of third-country nationals in Europe, carried out by higher educational institutes in Belgium, Cyprus, Italy, Malta and the UK. When: 27 May 2011 Where: Hotel Corbie Mol, Corbiestraat 64, 2400 Mol/Belgium
Thème principal: Migration, Cross-sectional, Integration

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The European Immigration Lawyers Network (EILN) organises a bi-lingual conference (French/English) on familiy reunification in Europe Where: Maison du Barreau, 2, rue de Harlay, 75001 Paris When: 20 May 2011 Registration fee: € 200
Thème principal: Family reunification

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The Centre for Migration and Intercultural Studies (CeMIS) invites to an evening lecture followed by a debate on the theme 'Education in Intercultural Society' Where: Kapel Grauwzusters, Lange Sint-Annastraat 7, 2000 Antwerp When: 17 May, 18-19.30h

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Le Centre International de Formation de l'OIT (CFI-OIT) organise son université d'été en étroite collaboration avec des partenaires tels que OIT Migrations, le Global Migration Group et l'Institut Européen de Florence. Cette formation aura lieu à Turin du 4 au 15 juillet prochains.
Thème principal: Migration économique
Mots-clés: Migration du travail

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Johan Wets and Fernando Pauwels of HIVA-KULeuven present a research project on Eastern European labour migration and make recommendations. Practical information: Tuesday, May 10, 2011, 14-17 pm, Trierstraat 31-33, 1041 Brussels

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The Institute of Jewish Studies (IJS), in collaboration with the Centre for Migration and Intercultural Studies (CeMIS) organizes on Thursday, May 5, 2011 4:00 p.m. a seminar: "Comparative Diasporas: Politics and Culture, an International Workshop.
Thème principal: Migration
Mots-clés: diaspora

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Dans le cadre de la Présidence polonaise du Conseil du Conseil de l'Union Européenne, le Point de Contact Polonais du Réseau Européen des Migrations organise la Conférence annuelle du REM à Varsovie le 25 octobre 2011

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VALENTINA POP - EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - France on Sunday blocked the passage of Italian trains in order to prevent Tunisian migrants from entering its territory, a move promptly slammed by Rome. EU council chief Herman Van Rompuy meanwhile appealed for Paris not to "exaggerate" the migration issue

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Urgent action or Wait and see? – The nexus of climate change and migration
Thème principal: Migration, Vulnerable groups
Mots-clés: climate change

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Conférence du Réseau Migration en Europe et du Groupe de Recherche Migremus (Berlin, Allemagne)
Thème principal: Migration
Mots-clés: changement climatique

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Guidelines on EU funding and programming as well as specific cases and good working techniques on implementation, evaluation and auditing will be explored. Do not miss your chance to participate in this practical seminar organised by the European Institute for Public Administration (EIPA)!
Thème principal: Migration

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The Council adopted the new directive on trafficking in human beings as proposed by the Commission last spring
Thème principal: Smuggling & Trafficking

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The Belgian National Contact Point participated in an international workshop on “Migration challenges for pre-accession countries in South-East Europe” in Belgrade and gave a lecture on "The European Migration Network and other international instruments.
Thème principal: Migration

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On 10 May 2011, the Centre for Equal Opportunities and Opposition to Racism (Centre) invites the press to a conference on the occasion of the launching of its forth annual report 'Migration'.
Thème principal: Migration
Mots-clés: annual report, migration policy

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Commissioner Malmström presents Action Plan on visa liberalisation with the Republic of Moldova
Thème principal: Borders & Visa
Mots-clés: Malmström, moldova, visa liberalisation

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The federal State Secretary for Migration and Asylum Policies Melchior Wathelet has given a pressconference presenting the asylum and migration policies in 2010 and providing an overview of some statistical data.