EMN Quarterly (July - September 2022)

This 40th Quarterly (used to be named Bulletin) of the European Migration Network (EMN) offers an overview of EU and national developments in asylum and migration policy as well as an overview of key statistics, plus related EMN outputs and developments for the period July to September 2022.

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This EMN Quarterly inter alia reports on:

  • The national application of the EU Temporary Protection Directive, including measures relating to the registration, reception and documentation of Ukrainians, and the information and assistance provided to them.
  • Legislative and policy changes at EU and national levels, including measures to facilitate access to the labour market. Grants and budgets at national level show increased financing on migration topics. New bodies have been established, including a consultative body on migration called “A Safe, Solidarity-based and Inclusive Society” in Slovenia.
  • International protection including asylum: Pressure on reception capacities is observed in various countries and measures are taken to adapt to the increased need for accommodation.
  • Unaccompanied minors and vulnerable groups, including a project launched in Italy on “language literacy and access to education for unaccompanied minors” that aims to support their integration into society
  • Legal migration and integration: Finland aims to increase work-based immigration and to that end, has created a service offering practical support and advice to facilitate international recruitment. Amendments to the Aliens Act were also proposed with a view to reducing the average processing time of work-based residence permits.
  • Border management and irregular migration: including restrictions on the entry of Russian citizens coming into force in several EU Member States.
  • Return: including the FRA 2022 update on forced return monitoring systems across the EU. The publication shows that all EU Member States have some form of monitoring on returns by law but also identifies the gaps that are present in practice.
  • Human trafficking: Specific trainings aiming at capacity building to better identify and respond to victims of trafficking in human beings were conducted in various Member States. Portugal proposed a training focusing on child trafficking.
  • External dimension: including the expansion of the European Migration Network, with Ukraine (as from 2 August 2022) and Montenegro (as from 23 September 2022) joining the Network as Observer countries.

Detailed information can be found in the 40th EMN Quarterly attached to this post or in the online version.

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Publication Date:
vr 18 nov 2022