Publication date: 05 October 2023

This study offers a thorough and current examination of the legislation, policies and practices related to the integration of international protection applicants into the job market in EMN Member Countries. It offers an overview of the various stakeholders responsible for implementing labour market accessibility and highlights both the challenges encountered and examples of good practices.

Publication date: 20 February 2019

This EMN study examines the measures in place in the Member States and Norway to facilitate the integration of third-country nationals on the labour market. The study also identifies good practices from public and private actors.
Main theme: Integration
Publication Type: Thematic Studies
Keywords: labour market, labour market integration

Publication date:

As labour and skills shortages have been increasing and are expected to continue rising over the coming decades in all EU Member States, the European Commission published an action plan setting out key measures that the EU, Member States and social partners should take in the short to medium term to address this challenge. 

Publication date:

At today’s Tent Partnership for Refugees' European Business Summit in Paris, 41 leading companies have collectively announced ambitious commitments to provide over 250,000 Ukrainian refugee women and other refugees with jobs and training across Europe. The commitments being made will strengthen companies’ workforces, fill labor gaps, and boost European economies.
Main theme: Integration
Keywords: labour market integration

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The First Rome Dialogue on Jobs and Migration will focus on the Labour market integration of refugees and asylum seekers. It will discuss the pros and cons of different schemes, including some new hybrid alternatives that are being tested.
Main theme: Integration
Keywords: labour market integration

Publication date:

This Innovation Challenge will support studies focused on the effectiveness of new solutions (interventions, data/tools, policy actions) which improve cross-border labor mobility and labor market integration of international migrants and refugees. Interested participants must submit their Expression of Interest by 31 January 2023.