Publication date: 08 February 2013

The Commission published in May 2012 a summary of the responses received on its public consultation on family reunification. Background information, state of play and case law regarding this directive can be found here.

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This Publication of the King Baudouin Foundation (KBF) aims at providing an analysis of the European legal framework, from offering better regulation of family reunification by Member States to protective jurisprudence, as well as Belgian law (the law of 15.12.1980) and recent developments.
Main theme: Family reunification
Publication Type: Study
Keywords: KBF

Publication date: 28 March 2011

The King Baudouin Foundation presents figures and trends on the influx of migrant spouses in Belgium and information about socio-economic profile of those concerned (2011)
Main theme: Family reunification
Publication Type: Study
Keywords: KBF

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This conference organised by EMN Netherlands, in cooperation with EMN Belgium, will focus on family reunification of beneficiaries of international protection in EMN Member and Observer Countries. The influence of European case law in this field will also be examined in more detail. 

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The King Baudouin Foundation, the European Policy Centre and the Odysseus Academic Network are organising a Conference on Family reunification under strain: restrictive vs. flexible policies, on 17 November

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The Centre for Equal Opportunities and Opposition to Racism (‘Centre’) organizes a colloquium on the problematic of so called ‘reverse discrimination’ concerning the new national law on family reunification.

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The Flemish organisation 'Kruispunt M-I' invites for its study day on Partner Migration. The organisation will define major challenges for the migration policy on grounds of recent research