Publication date: 12 August 2013

This report examines the barriers that internationally mobile professionals may face, the policies that have been adopted to overcome these barriers and the lessons that governments can draw from policy experiences to date.
Main theme: Study § Training
Publication Type: Report
Keywords: credentials, qualifications, skills recognition

Publication date:

The European Migration Network (EMN) held a two-day conference titled ‘Shaping the future of EU legal migration: where are we and where do we want to go?’. The event was part of Spain’s current presidency of the Council of the EU, with a focus on legal migration strategies to attract the talent and skills needed from abroad.

Publication date:

The Commission is today presenting a Skills and Talent Mobility package to make the EU more attractive to talent from outside the EU and to facilitate mobility within it. Today's measures include a new EU Talent Pool to match employers in the EU with jobseekers in third countries, as well as measures to promote the recognition of qualifications and learner's mobility.