Publication date: 31 March 2011

Ad-Hoc Query, requested on 3 November 2010 by the European Commission concerning the recognition of professional qualifications of third-country nationals in the member states - 15 responses

Publication date: 28 December 2010

Ms Joëlle Milquet, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Employment and Equal Opportunities responsible for migration and asylum policy, asked the European Economic and Social Committee to draw up an exploratory opinion on the role of legal immigration in the context of demographic challenges.

Publication date: 01 December 2006

What is the Belgian approach towards highly skilled workers from third countries? This study examines in detail the selection criteria, admission requirements, procedures for issuing work permits and the available data on the subject.

Publication date:

The Flemish Support Point Labour and Social Economy organizes together with the Flemish Department Labour and Social Economy the 5th Labour Market Congress with a focus on Labour Migration