Publication date: 21 January 2016

The report contains administrative and statistical data on migration and asylum, integration, social cohesion and the social position and participation of foreign nationals and people of foreign origin in Flanders, within a Belgian and European framework.
Main theme: Migration, Integration, Data & Statistics
Publication Type: Report
Keywords: integration monitor

Publication date: 02 April 2012

Miet Lamberts, researcher at the Research Institute for Work and Society (HIVA center) of the KU Leuven offers an analyzis of the immigration data in Flanders for the year 2011. It gives a specific point of view on how the 1st, 2nd and 3rd generations of migrants take part in the Flamish society.
Main theme: Integration
Publication Type: Study
Keywords: Immigrant integration, integration monitor

Publication date:

During this event integration and civic integration ("Inburgering") are being quantitatively and qualitatively brought to light and examined in several specific fields: education, living conditions, labour market, entrepreneurship and rights.
Main theme: Integration
Keywords: integration monitor

Publication date:

On 26 November 2013 the first edition of the Flemish Migration and Integration Monitor has been presented. The report joins and interprets administrative and statistical data on migratory and integration processes in Flanders.
Main theme: Data & Statistics
Keywords: integration monitor