Publication date: 05 March 2024

This ad hoc query examines the measures taken by EMN Member and Observer Countries to maintain the mother tongue of students with a migratory background. The query addresses such measures in preschool, primary school, and secondary school, as well as the economic resources and fundings to finance these measures.

Publication date: 29 February 2024

This ad hoc query sheds light on organisations for young people with a migratory background, their involvement in decision-making processes, and the existence of national registers for these organisations.

Publication date: 07 November 2023

The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia is currently looking into supporting activities that provide innovative approaches to promote integration, taking into account the existing experience of libraries implementing projects for inclusive society. This ad hoc query examines the experiences from other EMN Member Countries with libraries implementing activities in the field of integration and social inclusion for third-country nationals.

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At the request of the Flemish Government and European Funds of integration, the University of Ghent carried out a quantitative and qualitative study for better determining the migration of the partners of the non-European nationals towards Flanders and Brussels
Main theme: Integration
Publication Type: Study
Keywords: Immigrant integration

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Today Eurostat launches an interactive visualisation tool that offers a comprehensive overview of data related to demography, the labour market, education, social inclusion, housing, health and active citizenship of the migrant population in the EU. 

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Migrants from third countries represent around four percent of the total EU population. The composition of EU's population is thus changing. This leads to new conditions for social cohesion and government response to public concerns.