Flemish Migration en Integration Monitor 2013 (SIenI)

On 27 November the first edition of the Flemish Migration and Integration Monitor was launched. The report contains administrative and statistical data on migration and integration processes in Flanders, within a Belgian and European framework.

The first edition of the Flemish Migration and Integration Monitor is the result of a joint project of the Research Institute for Labour and Society (HIVA), the Research Office of the Flemish Government (SVR) and the Agency for Home Affairs (ABB), realised within the framework of the Support Centre for Civic Integration and Integration.

The report joins systematically generated, administrative and statistical data on migration and integration processes of immigrants and persons of foreign origin (second generation immigrants), and for the first time maps the situation on Flemish level.

The report aims to inspire and evaluate integration policy makers in Flanders, but is also relevant to other policy domains. Further, it wishes to reach universities, research institutions, mid-field organisations and the broader audience.

First, the report captures immigrants in Flanders in numbers and statistics, identifying trends, based on several indicators. The following chapter reveals numbers, statistics and trends on the population of foreign origin in Flanders. Chapter IV contains data on civic integration and presents the integration process. Further, Chapter V describes social coherence in Flanders and the social position of foreigners within the labour market, education, housing, well-being and health and societal participation. Finally, the report presents some short contributions on recent research of the Support Centre.

Publication Date:
Mon 02 Dec 2013
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