Publication date: 30 March 2011

Is the the temporary movement of service providers, as liberalized by the WTO in the so-called mode 4 of GATS, lacking potential for managing labor migration? What about then the other migration-related agreements? This analysis is reviewing some regulation currently available in treaty law.
Main theme: Migration
Publication Type: Study
Keywords: EPA, GATS, temporary migration, WTO

Publication date: 30 March 2011

How is it being undocumented children in Britain? This study introduces the debate on children in migration and illustrates some of the tensions that the migration of children produces, both in legal and in policy terms.
Main theme: Irregular Migration
Publication Type: Study
Keywords: migration of children, UK

Publication date: 30 March 2011

In the context of the comprehensive US immigration reform, improved controls and dealing with unauthorized foreigners were discussed extensively in the US Senate in 2006 and 2007. But what about the future flows?

Publication date: 30 March 2011

What about the role demography could play in the research on the causes of international population movements? This Paper aims at analysing this role and also analyses the intersection of future demographic trends with possible labour market developments

Publication date: 30 March 2011

How do you explain that children of the same family could assimilate in different ways? If the usual suspect variables ultimately do not explain assimilation at the individual level, what does?
Main theme: Integration
Publication Type: Study
Keywords: assimilation, peers, second-generation, Turkish Muslims

Publication date: 30 March 2011

To what extent is climate change affecting migration flows? Although knowledge in that particular field remains limited, this study is paving the way for a new research area.
Main theme: Migration
Publication Type: Study
Keywords: climate change, environmental migrants, forced migration

Publication date: 28 March 2011

The King Baudouin Foundation presents figures and trends on the influx of migrant spouses in Belgium and information about socio-economic profile of those concerned (2011)
Main theme: Family reunification
Publication Type: Study
Keywords: KBF

Publication date:

At the end of the Second World War, Belgium counted officially 10 Congolese individuals in its borders. Today, about 16.000 Congolese citizens are living in the country and further 25.000 persons, born as Congolese nationals, became Belgians.
Main theme: Migration
Publication Type: Study
Keywords: Congo

Publication date: 27 January 2011

Has the rise in immigrants'unemployment an impact on public finances? To what extent is the current slump having an impact on the employment of immigrants? And what are the factors depending on it?
Main theme: Cross-sectional
Publication Type: Study
Keywords: immigrant, unemployment

Publication date: 27 January 2011

This research, initiated by the IOM, aimed at better defining the profile of the Brazilian migrants residing in Ireland, Portugal and Belgium.
Main theme: Irregular Migration, Return & Readmission
Publication Type: Study
Keywords: Brazil, IOM, irregular resident

Publication date: 27 January 2011

The current volume of IMISCOE-AUP Textbook Series encompasses 25 theoretical papers that have an impact on research in Europe or reflect a European perspective on international migration and immigration integration.
Main theme: Cross-sectional
Publication Type: Study
Keywords: immigration

Publication date: 25 January 2011

In the recent past some important changes ocurred within the agricultural sector in Flanders and Belgium. This research paper focuses on the consequences of these changes for the employment of migrants in the agricultural sector.
Main theme: Economic migration
Publication Type: Study
Keywords: seasonal labour

Publication date: 05 October 2010

IOM-study: Migration between Russia and the European Union - Policy Implications from a Small-Scale Study of Irregular Migrants
Main theme: Migration, Irregular Migration, Return & Readmission
Publication Type: Study
Keywords: IOM, Russia