State Secretary Theo Francken announces that a declaration of commitment is to be signed by newcomers in Belgium

The declaration presenting some of the key principles of the European Convention on Human Rights and the Belgian Constitution will be submitted to foreigners arriving in the country.

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At the Council of Ministers gathering today, Theo Francken, the State Secretary for Asylum Policy and Migration, announced that a declaration of commitment will be introduced and submitted to newcomers in Belgium.

The aim is that newcomers are informed and commit themselves to respect basic principles of the European Convention on Human Rights, of the Belgian Constitution and of the Belgian society.

A refusal to sign the declaration would be considered as an element in the examination of an application for asylum and/or nationality.

For further information (only in French and Dutch), please read the press release of the Council of Ministers of 23 October 2015.

Publication Date: Fri 23 Oct 2015
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