Publication date: 08 November 2017

Forced returns of rejected asylum seekers to Afghanistan have been heavily debated in Sweden. In this context, the Swedish Contact Point of the EMN has gathered and analyzed the information provided by 17 Member States, including Belgium, on this topic.
Main theme: Ad Hoc Queries
Publication Type: EMN Reports & studies
Keywords: forced return, Afghanistan

Publication date: 11 December 2014

This Inform summarizes the main findings of the corresponding EMN study aimed at analyzing Member States’ use of entry bans and readmission agreements as the EU main policy measures to implement effective return policies

Publication date: 11 December 2014

This focused study presents an analysis of (Member) States’ use of entry bans and readmission agreements and also identify good practices in this field, including possible synergies in the implementation of return and reintegration measures.

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On a proposal from Interior Minister Annelies Verlinden, the Council of Ministers approved a preliminary draft law defining the powers that members of the European Border and Coast Guard would have on national territory during official missions.

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In the first three months of this year, 959 irregularly staying third-country nationals were subject to forced return from Belgium. That is twice as many as in the same period last year, when it concerned 502 persons.

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In 2022, 2,673 persons voluntarily returned to their country of origin. The number is higher than before the corona period, when 2,426 persons returned voluntarily in 2019. 

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The Belgian Immigration Office started the SEFOR Project, which aims at ensuring the follow-up of the migrants having received an order to leave the territory, if they are effectively returning to their country of origin, voluntarily or not (SEFOR meaning "Sensibilisation, Follow-up, Return)
Main theme: Return & Readmission
Keywords: voluntary return