Publication date: 25 June 2021

What kind of data is collected by EU Member States and Norway and how is the data managed in the different phases of the asylum procedure? This new EMN Study provides comparable information and examples from 25 countries on different aspects of data management, including data cross-checking against national and international databases, data quality accuracy, and data protection issues. It also maps challenges encountered, and actions taken to respond to them. The study contributes to capacity-building of experts working in the field of asylum and generates a better understanding of the policies and process in place across Europe.   The Belgian standalone study will be published in the week of 28 June 2021.
Main theme: Asylum
Publication Type: Thematic Studies
Keywords: data in focus

Publication date: 19 January 2011

This quarterly Eurostat publication gives an insight into recent developments in international protection including applicants for asylum and decisions on asylum applications. These data are supplied to Eurostat by the national Ministries of Interior and related official agencies.

Publication date: 07 October 2010

Eurostat states that around 15 000 fewer asylum applicants were registered in the EU27 during the first half of 2010 compared to the same period in 2009