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PES Group in the Committee of the Regions invites all to join the debate on the - lack of - development of a genuine Common European Asylum System and European Immigration policy.

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The tragedy in Lampedusa prompted an unprecedented call for action by EU leaders and citizens. On 4 December, the Commission proposed ways to increase solidarity and mutual support in order to prevent migrants' death in the Mediterranean.

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Ending its 3279th meeting of 5 and 6 December, the JHA Council presents its conclusions. Topics discussed include the free movement of EU citizens, the Task Force Mediterranean, full application of the Schengen acquis by Bulgaria and Romania and the European citizenship report 2013.

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EASO launched the October edition of the EASO newsletter. The newsletter provides an overview of recent EASO activities and outputs.

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The Members of the European Parliament approved the operating rules of Eurosur, a communication network that enables Member States to share real-time images and data on development at the EU's external borders.

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The Frontex Risk Analysis Network (FRAN) released its newest quarterly report, covering January - March 2011