Publication date: 15 December 2023

This ad hoc query identifies which EMN Member Countries foresee an obligation for the employer to secure adequate accommodation for migrant workers, other than seasonal workers. It examines whether this obligation applies to certain types of permits, what criteria make it possible to define adequate housing, what proof is required in this regard and what possible sanctions are foreseen against employers who don't provide adequate housing. 
Main theme: Ad Hoc Queries
Publication Type: EMN Reports & studies
Keywords: migrant worker, accommodation

Publication date: 25 June 2013

The International Migration Outlook 2013 says that migration into OECD countries rose by 2% in 2011 from the previous year, to reach almost 4 million. Recent data suggest a similar increase in 2012.

Publication date:

Today, the Parliament of the Brussels Capital Region adopted in plenary session an ordinance relating to economic migration. The objective is to modernize, make coherent and simplify the current texts, to better respond to labour shortages identified in the job market.