Intra-EU Mobility of Third-Country Nationals (EMN Inform)

The Inform provides an overview of current mobility provisions within the EU acquis to encourage the mobility of third-country nationals. It explores challenges and barriers which affect such mobility.

The Inform, which is based on the findings of the EMN study on Intra-EU Mobility of Third-Country Nationals, presents key findings, inter alia:

  1. The availability of relevant statistics on the phenomenon of Intra-EU Mobility of Third-Country Nationals is limited. Their variability and lack of comparability is also highlighted.
  2. The trend in Intra-EU Mobility for Third-Country Nationals has been upwards (in Member States where statistics are available).
  3. For stays exceeding three months, there is (in the EU acquis) a fundamental difference between mobility rights for EU citizens and for Third-Country Nationals, with conditions more limited for mobile Third-Country Nationals.
  4. The EU Migration Directives, that provide for mobility of Third-Country Nationals, leave significant areas of discretion to Member States and to national laws shaping mobility.

The Inform draws some conclusions, including on measures that may limit or facilitate Intra-EU Mobility of Third-Country Nationals, including labour market restrictions, minimum wage levels, administrative requirements, recognition of degrees and diplomas etc.

This EMN Inform is only available in English.

Publication Date:
Thu 12 Sep 2013
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