EMN Bulletin (March – May 2015)

The 11th edition of the EMN Bulletin provides updates on recent migration and international protection policy developments at EU and national level, including latest relevant published statistics.

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The 11th edition of the EMN Bulletin provides information, inter alia, on:

  • General Policy Developments, including on the publication of the EMN Annual Report on Immigration and Asylum 2014; an on national developments.
  • Implementation of the Common European Asylum System, including on the initiatives taken in the framework of the European Agenda on Migration regarding resettlement and relocation; on the numbers of applications for international protection and first instance decisions in the EU in Q1; and on national developments (for ex., number of resettled refugees that were welcomed or will be welcome in some Member States).
  • Unaccompanied Minors and Vulnerable Groups, including on the publication of the EMN study on “Policies, Practices and Data on Unaccompanied Minors”; and on national developments (for ex., launch of a procedure by the Italian Ministry of the Interior allowing local authorities to apply for funding to provide reception services to asylum-seekers and non-asylum seeking unaccompanied minors).
  • Legal Migration and Integration, including on the publication of the EMN study on “Admitting Third Country Nationals for Business Purposes”; on the launch by the European Commission of a public consultation on the EU Blue Card; and on national developments (for ex., the addition of a “health surcharge” to be paid by all nationals from outside the EEA arriving to the UK for longer than six months, as part of their visa application).
  • Management of the EU External Borders, including on the Commission’s proposal for a regulation on a new uniform format for visas; on the new criteria for passports to be fulfilled by TCNs travelling to Europe; and on national developments (for ex., the launch of the project “Smart Borders” in Lisbon Airport in Portugal).
  • Irregular Migration and Return, including on initiatives taken in the framework of the European Agenda for Migration (EU Action Plan against migrant smuggling 2015-2020, Guidelines for fingerprinting, and the new operational plan for Triton); on the publication of Frontex’s Annual Risk Analysis; and on national developments (for ex., the entry into force in France of a new package on assisted voluntary return and reintegration).
  • Actions Taken to Address Trafficking in Human Beings, including on the EU Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy 2015-2019; on the publication by Eurostat of the 2015 edition of the second working paper at the EU level on statistics on trafficking in human beings; and on national developments.

The Bulletin also includes an annex which provides complementary statistics, updates on the transposition of EU legislation by the Members States and information on upcoming and past EMN events.

Publication Date:
Tue 28 Jul 2015
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