A brief overview of recent findings on return (EMN Inform)

This EMN Inform provides an overview of current aspects of return in EU Schengen Member States and Norway, including statistics.

This Inform provides information on - differences in - transposition into national law of the Return Directive 2008/115/EC.

The inform provides numbers on the scale of forced and voluntary return measures, issued by Schengen States in 2012 and decreases and increases in percentage of forced and (assisted) voluntary return measures between 2010 and 2012.

Further, examples of measures to apply return policies in practice, at national level or among Member States are presented. Also, an assessment of the expected added value of the recently implemented Visa Information System is given.

Most Member States successfully made use of the European Return Fund to undertake national initiatives and projects to encourage voluntary return, also working together with each other and countries of return. Voluntary departure now appears to become the preferred option for return.

Member States equally made use of joint return operations, organised by Frontex.

In case of impossible return of TCN, many Member States foresee channels and conditions through which certain persons may enter a regularisation procedure. Following the principe of non-refoulement, the majority of Member States do not forcibly return Palestinians to Gaza/the Westbank; and suspend their return programmes to Syria.

Finally, the inform provides statistics in the annex.

Publication Date:
Tue 19 Nov 2013
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