Publication date: 26 March 2015

The UNHCR Asylum Trends 2014 summarizes patterns and trends in the number of individual asylum claims submitted in 38 European States and 6 selected non-European countries during 2014. It reveals a sharp increase in the number of asylum-seekers registered during 2014.
Main theme: Asylum
Publication Type: Report
Keywords: asylum applications, asylum trend

Publication date: 17 October 2012

The report presents data inter alia relating to asylum applications, top-ten nationalities of asylum applicants and top-40 countries of origin by main asylum regions. The data covers the first half of 2012 in comparison to the first half of 2011.

Publication date:

UNHCR "Asylum Trends 2013" says that 612.700 people applied for asylum in North America, Europe, East Asia and the Pacific last year, the highest total for any year since 2001. The report shows how this is primarily driven by the crisis in Syria.
Main theme: International Protection
Keywords: asylum trend

Publication date:

The latest statistics on asylum applications lodged in industrialized countries have been published today. The data covers the first half of 2012 in comparison to the first half of 2011.