Publication date: 20 December 2023

In honour of the 15-anniversary, EMN has compiled a document spotlighting its most influential achievements and contributions from 2018 to 2022 at both EU and national levels, underscoring the network's ongoing commitment to addressing complex challenges related to migration and asylum.

Publication date: 14 August 2014

This EMN Inform draws together examples of impacts that the EMN and its products have had in relation to policymaking and debate on issues of migration and asylum at EU and national levels.
Main theme: Asylum, Migration
Publication Type: EMN inform
Keywords: impact analysis

Publication date:

The European Migration Network (EMN), marks a significant milestone this year, celebrating 15 years of dedicated service providing objective, comparable, and policy-relevant information on emerging issues related to asylum and migration. For this occasion, the EMN publishes a document spotlighting its most influential achievements and contributions from 2018 to 2022 at both EU and national levels.