MyriaDoc - Return, detention and removal of foreigners (A return, at what cost?) (Myria)

Myria (the Belgian Federal Migration Centre - an independent public body analyzing migration policies) has released its fifth MyriaDoc on Return, Detention and Removal of Foreigners in Belgium (2017).

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This report scrutinizes the return policy, the detention and the removal measures applying to foreigners in Belgium. The close cooperation of Myria with Fedasil (the agency in charge of the voluntary return) and the Immigration Office (in charge of the forced return), allowed to include in the report, a wide range of statistics (number of voluntary and forced returns, removal orders, nationalities involved, administrative arrests, etc.). 

Besides statistics and trends in Europe and Belgium, Myria focuses on the removal procedure, including on preparations (decision, identification, information, specific measures and programmes), removal (with or without escort) as well as on monitoring (and complaint). 

Myria assesses what progress has been made, what costs are involved and what is the overall efficiency of the national measures, procedure and policy in this field. 

Myria finally calls for a structural assessment of this policy and concludes with recommandations aiming at enhancing the respect of fundamental rights of foreigners in Belgium.

The Myriadoc, as well as the related press release, are only available in French and Dutch.

Publication Date:
Thu 09 Nov 2017
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