Eurostat: Number of asylum applicants on rise during the first quarter of 2011

This Eurostat publication is providing a detailed overview of the asylum applications and decisions in the EU27 in 2011.

In this publication:

- The number of asylum seekers in the EU-27 during the first quarter of 2011 increased by 4000 compared with the same period of the previous year.

- The number of Tunisians applying for asylum in the EU-27 increased sharply in 2011. Most of them applied for international protection in Italy.

- The top destionation countries of asylum applications for the first quarter of 2011 are: France (14.335), Germany (12.035), Belgium (7.450), UK (6.360) and Sweden (6.230).

- The countries with the the highest number of applicatans relative to population are Luxemburg (960 applicants per million inhabitans), Belgium (680) and Sweden (660). The EU-avarage for the first quarter was 130 applicants per million inhabitans.

- The main countries of origin of people seeking asylum in the EU 27 during the first quarter of 2011 were Afghanistan (5 765), Russia (4140),  Iraq (3790), Serbia (3775) and Kosovo (3090).

- The high concentration of applicants of certain citizenships in one of the EU-27 Member States were remarkable. (table 6)

- One out of four asylum decisions granted during Q1 2011 was positive; with huge differences depending on the country of origin. (figure 7)

The publication is only available in English

Authors: Piotr JUNCHO, Alexandros BITOULAS (Eurostat)