Ad-hoc query on the Right to Family Reunification for Unmarried Partners

22 Member States provide information on whether or not and under what conditions they grant a right to family reunification to unmarried partners whose relationship or partnership is not considered as equivalent to marriage.

The ad hoc query focuses on Member States' family reunification legislation with regard to unmarried partners, both those who registered their partnership and those who proved a stable and durable relationship but who are, in the two fore-mentioned cases, not considered as equivalent to marriage, in the following scenarios:

1. UE citizens and members of their family (option in article 3 – Directive 2004/38/EC)

  • Mobile EU citizens
  • Non-Mobile EU citizens

2. TCNs – Third country nationals (option in article 4.3 – Directive 2003/86/EC)

Detailed answers are to be consulted in the attached compilation.

Publication Date:
Thu 07 Mar 2013
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