A new brochure in 11 languages: “Asylum in Belgium”

The communication services of the CGRS and of Fedasil have jointly published, with the support of the European Refugee Fund, an information brochure “Asylum in Belgium”.

cover brochure asylum in Belgium

With this new publication, the CGRS and Fedasil intend to inform accurately all asylum seekers arriving inBelgium about the different stages of their asylum procedure and reception, as well as about their rights and obligations during their asylum procedure and stay in a reception facility.

The brochure has been published to accompany a DVD shown to asylum seekers who stay in a reception facility. It exists in 11 languages. 

These brochures are not distributed among a wider public and copies will not be sent on request. More information and downloads in the language of your choice, can be found on the website of the CGRS or on the website of Fedasil

Publication Date: Thu 10 Mar 2011
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