Measuring well-governed migration - the 2016 Migration Governance Index (The Economist Intelligence Unit)

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) have developped a tool for measuring progress in migration governance structures.

Commissioned by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and designed by The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), the project aims to provide a consolidated framework for evaluating country-specific migration governance structures, and to act as a potential source for informing implementation of the migration-related SDGs. The MGI looks at 15 countries and uses 73 qualitative questions to measure performance across five domains identified as the building blocks of effective migration governance. These domains include: 1) institutional capacity, 2) migrant rights, 3) safe and orderly migration, 4) labour migration management, and 5) regional and international co-operation and other partnerships.

Some of the key findings of the study:

  • Comprehensive migration policy depends on both institutional coherence (the collaboration between institutions) and policy “connectivity” (the connectivity between migration and broader policy objectives).
  • Transparency is an essential marker of a comprehensive migration policy (clear information for potential immigrants about laws, regulations, visas and opportunities; publicly available data about migrant flows, migrant deaths and human trafficking; robust information-sharing systems between government departments; integrated programs to aid repatriation of migrants; and structured information exchange and dialogue with other countries).
  • From regional consultative processes (RCPs) to bilateral migration agreements (on issues such as work visa programs or repatriation) and international conventions, national collaboration is more important than ever.
Publication Date:
Fri 27 May 2016
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