Public consultation on the EU legislation against migrant smuggling

The European Commission has launched a public consultation to gather views on the functioning of the existing legislation aiming at preventing and countering migrant smuggling and on what could be done to further strengthen it.

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What should be done in order to strengthen the effectiveness of EU’s action to disrupt the activity of criminal networks involved in the smuggling of migrants? How could the existing legislation on migrant smuggling be improved? Should the criminal sanctions be increased for those who facilitate illegal entry, transit and residence in the EU? What can be done to avoid risks of criminalisation of those providing assistance to migrants for humanitarian reasons?

These questions form part of the public consultation launched by the European Commission on migrant smuggling. Input provided in the framework of this consultation will help evaluate the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, coherence and EU added-value of the current EU legislation on migrant smuggling in meeting its objectives, and will suggest what improvements could be made to the existing legislation.

The two legal instruments subject to this public consultation, adopted in 2002, are Directive 2002/90/EC defining the facilitation of unauthorised entry, transit and residence, and Framework Decision 2002/946/JHA on the strengthening of the penal framework to prevent the facilitation of unauthorised entry, transit and residence. The revision of the legislation was identified as a priority action to enhance prevention and fight against migrant smuggling by the EU Agenda on Migration as well as the EU Action Plan against Migrant Smuggling.

A wide array of stakeholders (individuals, governmental organisations, private enterprises, NGOs, etc.) are welcome to contribute.

The consultation is open until 6 April 2016.

For further information, please visit the European Commission’s website.

Publication Date: Wed 20 Jan 2016
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