Publication date: 28 February 2013

The Dublin transnational network project co-ordinated by Forum Réfugiés -Cosi in collaboration with ECRE, the Hungarian Helsinki Committee and national partners published a comparative report on the Dublin application in several EU member states.
Main theme: Reception, International Protection
Publication Type: Report
Keywords: Dublin Regulation

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The European Commission is presenting today a set of good practices to help Member States implement in the most effective way the actions to which they have committed under the Dublin Roadmap. 

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State Secretary for Asylum and Migration, Nicole de Moor, is putting in place prevention campaigns to prevent asylum seekers under the responsibility of other European countries, from starting an asylum procedure in our country. This secondary migration from other EU Member States creates additional pressure on Belgium's asylum system and reception network.

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In the light of a recent judgment of the Court of Justice of the EU, the Commission is proposing to clarify which Member State is responsible for examining applications made by unaccompanied minors.

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The French speaking Court of first instance of Brussels ruled on 19 May 2014 that an Afghan applicant rightly claimed that various organizations (UNHCR, ECRE, Amnesty International…) advocate the suspension of transfers to Bulgaria due to inadequate reception conditions and human rights violations.

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In a half-day training, ADDE proposes to examine the new reform of the Dublin III Regulation and its impact on Belgian practices as regards international protection and reception.
Main theme: Asylum
Keywords: Dublin Regulation

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Asylum seekers in the EU would be better protected, and would not be transferred to EU countries where there is a risk of inhuman or degrading treatment, under changes to EU asylum legislation endorsed by the Civil Liberties Committee.