Publication date: 03 November 2014

Upon request by the LIBE committee, this study examines the workings of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) in order to assess the need and potential for new approaches to ensure access to protection for people seeking it in the EU

Publication date: 06 September 2013

The purpose of this study was to provide an overview of the organisation of reception facilities for asylum seekers in the different Member States and to identify good practices and existing mechanisms for efficient and flexible reception facilities whilst ensuring quality.

Publication date: 13 January 2012

This policy paper presents measures proposed by the new Secretary of State to remedy the reception crisis that Belgium urgently needs to overcome. Key measures, related costs and impacts are presented.
Main theme: Reception
Keywords: reception policy

Publication date:

On 25 October 2013 the Belgian National Contact Point of the European Migration Network organised a conference on the reception of asylum seekers in Belgium and the EU.
Main theme: Reception
Keywords: reception law, reception policy