Publication date: 20 September 2022

This ad hoc query mainly collects information on calculation methods used to determine the necessary reception capacity for applicants for international protection and on the flexibility measures developed in case of shortage or surplus. It also examines how EMN Member and Observer Countries organise the outflow of beneficiaries of international protection and rejected applicants for international protection to housing and other forms of accommodation.

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Given the strong pressure on the Belgian reception system, Fedasil created more than 3.000 places in 2023. Despite these efforts, Fedasil ran out of places to accommodate all applicants for international protection last year.  

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On the proposal of the Secretary of State for Asylum and Migration, the Council of Ministers agreed today to the conclusion of a rental contract for land in Lodelinsart (Charleroi). Fedasil will make the site available to the Belgian Red Cross to place containers in order to increase the reception capacity for applicants for international protection.