Incentives and Motives for Voluntary Departure (EMN Inform)

What incentives and motives exist that impact a third-country national’s decision to depart voluntarily? This EMN inform focuses on the issue of voluntary departures from EU Member States and Norway, in compliance with - or in anticipation of - a return decision.

The EU Commission’s Pact on Migration and Asylum of 2020[1] established the aim to develop effective and humane procedures for the return of individuals not entitled to stay in the EU, which led to the creation of an EU Strategy for Voluntary Return and Reintegration.[2] The strategy seeks to support Member States in their efforts of encouraging voluntary departure, which is viewed as more humane and dignified approach than forced return. This EMN inform focuses on the incentives and motives that Member States have developed to encourage voluntary departure through specific assistance programmes (AVRR programmes), factors that contribute to an individual’s decision-making process, and how these elements are interconnected.


[1] EU Commission, New Pact on Migration and Asylum, available here:, last accessed on 17 June 2022.

[2] Communication on the EU strategy on voluntary return and reintegration, COM (2021) 120 final,, last accessed on 17 June 2022.


Publication Date:
Fri 08 Jul 2022
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