Publication date: 06 March 2023

In response to the large influx of Ukrainian refugees, the Estonian Ministry of Culture is looking into setting up new possibilities for e-learning the local language. The objective of this query is to map other EMN Member and Observer Countries’ experience with technologies such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and augmented reality, to develop an offer of virtual language learning.

Publication date: 01 July 2021

This paper provides an overview of EU initiatives on developing and deploying artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to improve border control and border security.
Main theme: Borders & Visa
Publication Type: Report
Keywords: artificial intelligence, border control, security

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This conference will provide legal practitioners with an update on the reform of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) and the efforts undertaken to implement the New EU Pact on Migration. This year it will also tackle challenges related to the use of artificial intelligence and its implications for people on the move.

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Today, the Internal Market Committee and the Civil Liberties Committee adopted a draft negotiating mandate on the first-ever rules for Artificial Intelligence (AI). MEPs substantially amended the list to include bans on intrusive and discriminatory uses of AI systems. They also expanded the classification of high-risk areas.

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Ahead of the Artificial Intelligence Act vote in the European Parliament, a coalition of human rights organisations is calling on EU lawmakers to include provisions in the proposed EU AI Act to protect people from AI surveillance technologies used in migration.