Publication date: 26 February 2024

This EMN Inform sheds light on the challenges faced by beneficiaries and applicants for international protection in EMN Member Countries and Serbia as they strive to access autonomous housing. It also provides an overview of the different approaches and strategies employed by these countries to support their access to autonomous housing.

Publication date: 05 October 2023

This study offers a thorough and current examination of the legislation, policies and practices related to the integration of international protection applicants into the job market in EMN Member Countries. It offers an overview of the various stakeholders responsible for implementing labour market accessibility and highlights both the challenges encountered and examples of good practices.

Publication date:

On 22 October 2019, the Association of Flemish Cities and Municipalities (VVSG) published the results of the survey conducted in the spring of 2019. The results show that especially the search for housing for beneficiaries of international protection is very problematic. The regulations state that, in principle, they must leave the Local Reception Initiative (LOI) within two months. As in the VVSG survey of 2017, half of the respondents do not consider this period to be feasible. For almost 1 in 5, finding housing within this timeframe very exceptionally the case, and only thanks to the possibility to extend the stay in the LOI twice by 1 month.  
Main theme: Integration
Keywords: huisvesting, LOI's, discriminatie