Publication date: 21 March 2024

This Inform from the European Migration Network (EMN) offers an overview of current practices in EMN Member Countries and two Observer Countries (Georgia, Ukraine) on the digitalisation of identity documents and residence permits issued to third-country nationals. It also compiles views from national authorities on the challenges and advantages of introducing digital-only documents.  
Main theme: Migration
Publication Type: EMN inform
Keywords: identity document, residence permit, digitalisation

Publication date: 28 August 2023

This ad hoc query aims to explore current practices and possible lessons learned on issuing or planning to issue digital-only identity and residency documents to third-country nationals.

Publication date:

The Secretary of State for Asylum and Migration announced today that a new software was in the process of being developed with the digital product studio "In the pocket" to better manage information relating to the stay of third-country nationals in closed centres.