Publication date: 14 August 2014

This Inform summarizes the main findings of the corresponding EMN study, which aimed at examining whether and how victims of trafficking are detected/identified in international protection and forced return procedures and further referred to specific procedures.

Publication date: 31 March 2014

This focussed study examines the mechanisms for detection, identification and referral of (potential) victims of trafficking in human beings in international protection (including Dublin) and forced return procedures.

Publication date: 02 January 2013

The Global Report 2012 provides an overview of patterns and flows of trafficking in persons at global, regional and national levels. The report also includes a chapter on the worldwide response to trafficking in persons and country profiles for each of the 132 countries covered by this edition.
Main theme: Smuggling & Trafficking
Publication Type: Report
Keywords: trafficking case, definition, prosecution, detection

Publication date: 09 January 2012

Irregular migration is a subject of ongoing public debate in Europe. Policy makers are under pressure to reduce it and majorities often view it as a problem. Have policy interventions contributed to a decline in irregular migration? Have new hotspots of irregular entry emerged?