Publication date: 31 March 2017

This briefing provides a short overview of major developments relating to asylum procedures, reception conditions, detention of asylum seekers and content of international protection accros the countries covered by the Asylum Information Database (AIDA).  
Main theme: Reception, International Protection
Publication Type: Report
Keywords: asylum acquis

Publication date: 31 July 2012

EASO's 1st annual report covers the 1st year of EASO operation and looks into various topics such as international developments, EASO tools and responses and EASO's network. It also includes relevant statistics.

Publication date:

Studipolis, in co-operation with the Free University of Brussels, organises a morning lecture, treating the implementation in Belgian Law of the second phase of the CEAS.
Main theme: Asylum
Keywords: asylum acquis, CEAS

Publication date:

At the Metropolis Conference in Tampere, September 13th, Cecilia Malmström, European Commissioner for Home Affairs, looked back to achievements accomplished and challenges still to be faced by the EU in relation to the Common European Asylum System.