Vulnerable persons with specific reception needs. Definition, identification, care (Fedasil)

This final report, realised by the Study and Policy Unit of the Federal Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (Fedasil), describes the reception of vulnerable applicants for international protection with specific needs. It discusses how (field) staff define, identify and respond to vulnerability in practice. The objective is to develop a better understanding of the way in which Fedasil and its reception partners fulfill the requirement of Belgian and European legislation to meet the specific needs of applicants for international protection.

This final report confirms and repeats the results of a previous interim report (published in December 2016), where exploratory interviews, observations in a number of reception facilities and a survey were conducted to find out the most important general points of attention for the care of vulnerable persons.

In addition, this report further deepens the insights on the basis of additional research, in particular focus groups with field staff, focused in-depth interviews with certain departments of Fedasil and its reception partners and a survey among external organisations that provide assistance to benefiaries of reception. The information obtained is combined and grouped according to three themes, namely the (1) definition of vulnerability, (2) the identification of specific needs and (3) adapted care. The first chapter of this report is introductory and outlines the legal, political and institutional contexts within which the actual policy with regard to the reception of vulnerable persons is established. The second chapter forms the core of empirical research and consists of a discussion of the three central themes of vulnerability. Here the emphasis is placed on the perception of field staff, which is extensively illustrated on the basis of quotes. The third chapter concludes the study and describes the confrontation between a management and a guidance perspective on vulnerability.

The final and the interim report are available in Dutch and French on the website of Fedasil: (Publications).

Publication Date:
Mon 17 Dec 2018
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