Environmental sustainability of reception facilities for asylum seekers (EUAA)

This report from the European Union Agency for Asylum provides information on environmental sustainability strategies and policies implemented in reception facilities in EU+ countries.

Neither the Reception Conditions Directive nor the New Pact on Migration and Asylum includes references to environmental sustainability. However, international discussions and national environmental strategies have led to measures favouring environmental sustainability which are implemented in reception facilities in many EU+ countries.

This report from the EUAA shows inter alia that:

  • In some EU+ countries, reception authorities have developed strategies specifically aiming to increase the environmental sustainability of accommodation structures.
  • Even if a comprehensive strategy for reception is not in place, most countries implement climate-friendly measures to varying degrees.
  • The majority of actions for environmental sustainability within reception systems involved the sustainable use of resources, including energy, water and paper. Some countries apply the principles of Green Public Procurement within their reception systems.

Nevertheless, adapting existing infrastructure or major investments into eco-friendly solutions are often hindered by budgetary limitations. Moreover, the current pressure on asylum and reception systems will likely lead to more immediate solutions being prioritised to rapidly increase reception capacity, diverting attention from long-term strategies related to sustainability.

The EU’s emphasis on environmental sustainability within its funding opportunities may offer an alternative to countries aiming to make longer-term changes. Additionally, sharing best practices has sparked interest among EU+ countries, as solutions and initiatives vary greatly.

For further information, please read the EUAA update above.

Publication Date:
Wed 17 May 2023
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