Annual Report on Trafficking and Smuggling in Human Beings 2022 (Myria)

Myria, the Federal Migration Centre and independent national rapporteur on trafficking in human beings, published its independent and public annual report "Trapped by debt" on 7 December 2022.

Human smuggling of - and trafficking in Vietnamese individuals to and in Europe have increased in recent years. In the process, victims are recruited with false promises of employment and often go into debt. They are mostly smuggled (especially) to the UK under life-threatening conditions and have to work in exploitative conditions along the way (including in Belgium) and/or upon their arrival to repay smuggling-related debts.

Based on a thorough analysis of the phenomenon, Myria draws a number of conclusions and proposes several recommendations.

For additional information, including the report itself and the press release, please click on this French page or this Dutch page of the Myria website.

Publication Date:
Wed 07 Dec 2022
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