Ad Hoc Query on practical measures for reducing irregular migration

Member States present examples of practical measures taken in 2008-2011, that have been particularly effective in tackling irregular migration.

Belgium presented some examples of mesures implemented at the pre-entry stage:

(a) Controls and checks prior to arrival at the national borders.

(b) Training activities of border staff

(c) Identification of irregular migration routes into Belgium

(d) Information campaigns and awareness raising in third countries

Additional measures were enumerated at the entry stage, particularly the use of new (biometric) technologies.

Measures on the territory include checks and visits at addresses reported by immigrants who received  "an order to leave the territory"

Finally pathways out of irregularity include exceptional regularization campaigns and promotion of assisted voluntary programs

More information on the Belgian contribution and other Member States' practical measures to address irregular migration in the compilation made by the French Contact Point of the European Migration Network

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