Training on Family Reunification from 9:30 to 12:30

The new law from 8 July 2011 makes family reunification related provisions more complex. This half study day plans to clarify new provisions and their impact on persons whose application is pending or who are temporarily allowed to stay on the territory.

This training is specifically targeted at professionals who provide frontline support and who are working in public centres for social welfare or action centres for wellbeing, as well as volunteers.

Based on practical situations, participants will develop a good understanding and knowledge of the rules concerning family reunification, so that workers, in their daily practice, are able to answer questions appropriately.

The training will take place on 31 January 2012 from 9:30 to 12:30

Participation is free.

Registration is required before 27 january 2012

More information is to be found on "de som" website

Publication Date: Thu 12 Jan 2012
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