Publication date: 22 September 2023

As set out in many strategy documents at the EU and OECD levels, there is a growing need to compare integration policies across EU Member States in order to facilitate mutual learning and tackle the lack of evidence on the impact of measures. The objective of this ad hoc query is to provide an overview of different approaches used by the EMN Member and Observer Countries that are designed to monitor and evaluate the integration of third-country nationals. The results of this ad hoc query will form the basis of an upcoming Inform.
Main theme: Ad Hoc Queries
Publication Type: EMN Reports & studies
Keywords: integration monitoring

Publication date:

Today, the European Migration Network (EMN) Belgium was invited to present the results of an upcoming publication to members of the Flemish Agency for Internal Affairs as well as to take part in a coordination meeting between the four integration contact points in Belgium (for Flanders, Wallonia, Brussels, and the German-speaking community).