Publication date: 12 March 2022

The use of migration as a weapon of sorts by states and non-state actors for reaching their various goals has increased. The aim of the present study is to raise awareness among readers by creating a conceptual framework for the “weaponization of migration,” a phenomenon that has not been sufficiently studied academically yet.

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The Belgian presidency of the Council of the EU and European Parliament negotiators today reached a provisional deal on amending the Schengen Borders Code. The update in particular clears up rules related to the reintroduction of border controls and offers solutions to situations where migrants are instrumentalised.

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At a meeting of the Council’s permanent representatives committee (COREPER), Member States sealed their negotiating mandate on a regulation on crisis situations, including instrumentalisation of migration, and force majeure in the field of migration and asylum. This position will form the basis of negotiations between the Council presidency and the European Parliament.

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A Belgian expert participated in the conference of the Austrian Contact Point to the European Migration Network (EMN) focusing on opportunities and challenges in the management of EU's external borders. Participants inter alia identified the weaponization of migration as a major challenge concerning the protection of EU's external borders.