Publication date: 13 March 2023

The DRC Global Displacement Forecast 2023 Report, projects that the total number of people displaced will increase by 1.9 million in 2023 and an additional 3.5 million in 2024. This means that by 2024, the number of displaced people will have more than doubled since 2015 and increased by more than 50 million. 
Main theme: Vulnerable groups
Publication Type: Report
Keywords: displacement

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Following the report published by the IFRC, over 70 million people are forced migrants, more than 1 in every 100 of the world's citizens, displaced by conflict, political upheaval, violence and disasters but also by climate change and development projects.
Main theme: Migration
Keywords: protection

Publication date:

On 11 and 12 May 2023, EMN Belgium participated in the Swedish Presidency Conference. Many actors were invited to contribute: professors, researchers, policy-makers, analysts, development actors, national government officials – both from EU countries and beyond – and EU officials, representatives of international organisations and NGOs.

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This Conference will explore the impact of climate change on global migration patterns. It also aims at discussing what could be done in the future to address the impacts of climate change on displacement and migration, both in terms of foreign and development policies and in relation to policy frameworks for migration.