Ad Hoc Query on young people with migratory background and associative realities

This ad hoc query sheds light on organisations for young people with a migratory background, their involvement in decision-making processes, and the existence of national registers for these organisations.


The National Coordination of New Italian Generations (CoNNGI) is an organisation in Italy aimed at promoting and enhancing the representation of diversity within the society. It was established to advocate for inclusion and participation policies that consider the needs and claims of young people from diverse backgrounds. Especially the second and third generations. The organisation emerged from a 2014 initiative called “Direct Line with Second Generations”, initiated by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies. Over thirty youth associations with migratory backgrounds participated, leading to the formation of CoNNGI in 2016, officially recognised as a Social Promotion Association in 2017. CoNNGI's objectives include empowering young people with migratory backgrounds to engage in policy debates, fostering civic responsibility, and building networks among third-sector actors to address issues and propose solutions. EMN Italy launched an ad hoc query to gather information on similar experiences in Europe, to investigate how stable relations with institutions and organisations at national and international levels are realised, promoting and valuing the diversity of new generations.


23 EMN Member and Observer Countries answered this ad hoc query (including BE).


A preliminary analysis of the results of the ad hoc query shows that:

  • Only 5 out of 23 responding EMN Countries (AT, GR, PT, ES, SE) indicated having an association similar to CoNNGI that specifically represents new generations with migratory backgrounds. 3 other EMN Countries (BE, FR, SK) mentioned that they have other associations working with (young) people with a migratory background that they nonetheless did not consider similar to CoNNGI. Also ES indicated that the Spanish associations do not have the exact same aims, scopes and objectives as CoNNGI. In SE, contrary to CoNNGI in IT, there is no coordinating body or organization.
  • All of these 5 countries said that these associations are involved or consulted in the decision-making processes at national level regarding migration-related issues. For example, in AT, one of the associations similar to CoNNGI is the Austrian Integration Fund (ÖIF), which is an operational partner of the Ministry of Integration. Besides being the point of contact for organisations and associations in the field of integration in AT, the ÖIF is a member of the Advisory Committee on Integration, which aims to promote continuous, cross-competence networking, coordination and agreement in decision-making processes as well as knowledge exchange between key players in the field of integration.
  • Of these 5 countries, only GR indicated having a national register for registering these types of associations. In 2019, the Greek Ministry of Migration and Asylum issued an Open Invitation to Record Recognised Entities Representing Third-Country Nationals. Immigrants or refugees’ entities can voluntarily fill in the registration form.

For more information, please read the compilation of responses attached above.

Publication Date:
Thu 29 Feb 2024
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