Publication date: 16 March 2023

At the beginning of 2023, a coordination meeting of the directors of the Belgian closed detention centers was held. At this meeting, they expressed their concern about the significant increase in the trafficking of drugs inside their centers. That’s why EMN Belgium was asked to launch an ad-hoc query in order to gather information on how this issue is addressed in the other Member States.  

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The House of Representatives approved a draft law creating a prevention mechanism to safeguard the rights of people detained in prisons, closed centres and police stations. The mechanism will be overseen by the Federal Institute for Human Rights, in conjunction with the Central Prison Monitoring Council, the Federal Migration Centre Myria, and 'Committee P'.

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The Secretary of State for Asylum and Migration announced today that a new software was in the process of being developed with the digital product studio "In the pocket" to better manage information relating to the stay of third-country nationals in closed centres. 

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The Federal Institute is tasked with regularly examining the situation of persons deprived of their liberty through preventive visits, making recommendations to the competent authorities and proposing legislation and verifying its compatibility with international standards.

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Today, a new law was published in the Belgian Official Gazette. It introduces several changes to the Immigration Act and the Reception Act, including on family reunification or searches in closed centres.
Main theme: Asylum, Migration
Keywords: closed centre, fraud, law