Publication date: 17 September 2020

The COVID-19 crisis has impacted the ability of international students to enrol in a HEI abroad and to travel to that country to take up studies. How did EU & OECD countries respond? Did they adapt their admission processes? An answer to these and other questions can be found in the Inform.
Main theme: Study § Training
Publication Type: EMN inform
Keywords: student migration

Publication date: 05 August 2020

The first EMN and OECD inform on the impact of COVID-19 in the migration area is out. The inform focuses on EU and OECD Member States responses to managing residence permits and migrant unemployment.
Main theme: Economic migration
Publication Type: EMN inform
Keywords: unemployment

Publication date: 01 July 2020

In 2003, the Council adopted the Long-Term Resident Directive 2003/109/EC in order to promote the integration of third-country nationals in legal stay in the EU. Fourteen years after its entry into force, EMN Luxembourg conducted a study on the implementation of the Directive in 23 EU Member States, including Belgium.
Main theme: Integration
Publication Type: EMN inform
Keywords: Long-term Residents, intra-EU mobility

Publication date: 08 April 2020

The phenomenon of unaccompanied migrant children going missing has increasingly been in the focus of public attention in the EU. Several international organisations and European NGOs have raised concerns that the disappearance of unaccompanied minors is not always addressed in an effective manner. What policies and procedures are in place to register and follow up on cases of missing children, and how is data on missing children collected in EU Members States, Norway and the UK? The new Inform from the European Migration Network (EMN), in collaboration with international organisations, EU agencies and NGOs, offers a comprehensive picture of how the phenomenon is tackled currently in the EU.
Main theme: Vulnerable groups
Publication Type: EMN inform
Keywords: unaccompanied minors

Publication date: 30 March 2020

These three EMN Informs look into i.a. possible approaches for return counselling, support for return counsellors, and information provision for the return of migrants.
Main theme: Return & Readmission
Publication Type: EMN inform
Keywords: voluntary return

Publication date: 29 January 2020

In de Europese Unie zijn naar schatting 400.000 mensen erkend staatloos of hebben geen vastgestelde nationaliteit (UNHCR, 2018). In 2017 waren er niet minder dan 2.100 staatloze kinderen in Europa geregistreerd. Dit is een verviervoudiging t.o.v. 2010. Hoe stellen EU-lidstaten staatloosheid vast? Wat betekent deze erkenning in de praktijk voor staatloze migranten? Op deze en andere vragen over staatloosheid vindt u een antwoord in deze Inform.
Main theme: Statelessness
Publication Type: EMN inform
Keywords: statelessness

Publication date: 08 October 2018

The influx of asylum seekers between 2014 and 2016 has increased awareness about the differences in social benefits standards and the arrangements for rights enjoyed by beneficiaries of international protection across the EU Member States and Norway. The recast Qualification Directive (2011/95/EC), the Family Reunification Directive (2003/86/EC) and other developments have paved the way for a comprehensive overview of different social benefits and rights granted to beneficiaries of international protection.  
Main theme: Cross-sectional
Publication Type: EMN inform
Keywords: social benefits

Publication date: 10 September 2018

This EMN Inform summarizes the main results of the EMN study "Changing influx of asylum seekers 2014-2016".
Main theme: Asylum
Publication Type: EMN inform
Keywords: influx

Publication date: 09 August 2018

This Inform summarises the main results of the EMN study on “Approaches to Unaccompanied Minors Following Status Determination in the EU plus Norway”.
Main theme: Vulnerable groups
Publication Type: EMN inform
Keywords: unaccompanied minors

Publication date: 17 May 2018

To mark the 10 year anniversary of the EMN, the Anniversary Report takes stock of and presents key trends in asylum and migration flows and policy developments over the past 10 years. The report also highlights the main contributions that the EMN has made in this context.
Main theme: Cross-sectional
Publication Type: EMN inform
Keywords: anniversary

Publication date: 07 March 2018

This EMN Inform provides an overview of (Member) States' policies and practices regarding safe countries of origin. It describes which countries have introduced a list of safe countries of origin and whether nationals from these countries are treated differently than nationals from other countries in the procedure for international protection. Moreover, differences relating to reception conditions and return provisions are examined. 

Publication date: 23 February 2018

This EMN Inform summarizes the main findings of the EMN study “The effectiveness of return in EU Member States: challenges and good practices linked to EU rules and standards”.
Main theme: Return & Readmission
Publication Type: EMN inform
Keywords: return

Publication date: 26 January 2018

This EMN Inform provides information on the policies and practices of Member States to attract and retain foreign startup founders.
Main theme: Economic migration
Publication Type: EMN inform

Publication date: 15 January 2018

This Inform presents an overview of the EMN Study on “Challenges and practices for establishing the identity of third-country nationals in migration procedures”. 

Publication date: 01 December 2017

This EMN Policy Brief examines trends in applications for international protection and irregular movements of third-country national migrants across the EU and Norway. It focuses on the period 2012 - 2016 and – where data is available - up to August 2017. This is an update of the Policy Brief published in December 2015.

Publication date: 20 September 2017

This EMN Inform summarises the main findings of the EMN Ad-Hoc Query (AHQ) on Retaining third-country national students.
Main theme: Economic migration
Publication Type: EMN inform
Keywords: student

Publication date: 25 August 2017

This EMN Inform summarizes the main findings of the EMN study "The Illegal Employment of Third-Country Nationals in the EU".

Publication date: 20 July 2017

This EMN Inform summarizes the main findings of the EMN study on "Family Reunification of TCNs in the EU plus Norway".

Publication date: 28 November 2016

This EMN Inform examines – inter alia – the state of play of the 1954 and 1961 conventions on statelessness, statelessness determination procedures, rights granted to recognized stateless persons, and the situation of stateless minors in the EU.
Main theme: Statelessness
Publication Type: EMN inform
Keywords: statelessness

Publication date: 15 November 2016

This EMN Inform summarises the main findings of the EMN Study "The Return of Rejected Asylum Seekers in Belgium and in the EU: Challenges and Good Practices".
Main theme: Asylum, Return & Readmission
Publication Type: EMN inform
Keywords: Grèce

Publication date: 19 October 2016

This EMN Inform provides an overview of the use of social media in migrant smuggling.
Main theme: Smuggling & Trafficking
Publication Type: EMN inform
Keywords: social media

Publication date: 03 August 2016

This EMN Inform summarises the main findings of the EMN Study "Integration of beneficiaries of international protection into the labour market in Belgium and in the EU".

Publication date: 28 July 2016

This EMN Inform summarises the main findings of the EMN Study 'Changes in immigration status and purpose of stay'.
Main theme: Asylum, Migration, Cross-sectional
Publication Type: EMN inform
Keywords: Immigration status, purpose of stay

Publication date: 08 June 2016

This EMN Inform provides an overview of the results of the review of 87 programmes implemented by 23 Member States and Norway to assist migrants to return and to support their reintegration.

Publication date: 05 January 2016

This EMN Inform shows how movements of asylum-seekers, migrants and displaced persons to the EU have changed and evolved in 2015.