Ad-hoc query on Resettlement Costs

18 responses were provided to this ad hoc query. The information collected helps gain better insight into how funding for refugee resettlement is allocated to the different components of the programmes.

In June 2015, the Italian Contact Point of the European Migration Network launched an ad hoc query to collect information on how States allocate funding for refugee resettlement.

Concretely States were requested to determine which percentages of the total amount of € 6,000 or € 10,000 (lump sum per resettled refugee) they allocate to the following items in their national resettlement programme:

a) Pre-departure guidance and language courses (including training material)
b) Pre-departure medical screening
c) Travel to the country
d) Accommodation in the country
e) Integration measures after arrival

18 States provided information in this matter.
Please find the responses in the compilation of answers above.

Background information

To promote resettlement in Europe, the European Commission introduced a system of funding and financial incentives for states’ resettlement activities under the AMIF (previously under the European Refugee Fund (ERF) 2008-2013). AMIF funding for resettlement is allocated through three channels:

  1. National programmes
  2. Lump sum per resettled refugee (€6,000 for each resettled refugee, and €10,000 for each resettled refugee falling into specific categories)
  3. Union Actions

Please find additional information on EU funding for resettlement on the website of the European Resettlement Network.

Publication Date:
di 03 mei 2016