Publication date: 01 June 2017

This report aims to support practitioners in implementing relevant polices in line with applicable law by outlining available safeguards against unlawful and arbitrary detention and highlighting promising practices.

Publication date: 16 December 2015

This paper by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights seeks to provide guidance to policy makers and practitioners on the use of measures for asylum seekers and people in return procedures that do not unnecessarily deprive them of their right to liberty.
Main theme: Migration
Keywords: alternative to detention

Publication date: 03 November 2014

This focused study presents an analysis of (Member) States use of detention and alternatives to detention in the context of immigration policies and identifies similarities, differences and good practices in this field

Publication date: 03 November 2014

This Inform summarizes the main findings of the corresponding EMN study aimed at analyzing Member States’ use of detention and alternatives to detention in the context of immigration policies

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In a national study released in July 2023, EMN Belgium reviews the Belgian policy and practice regarding detention and alternatives to detention. The study clarifies which detention places and alternatives to detention exist in Belgium, how the decision-making process unfolds and how detention and its alternatives are actually implemented.

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Organised in the framework of the Made Real Project funded by the European Union, this conference provides a comprehensive understanding of the EU legal framework on alternatives to detention (ATD) for asylum seekers and migrants.

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On 12 and 13 June 2014, the European Migration Network Conference 2014 took place on "Irregular migration and return: challenges and practices". The Conference was organised in Athens, within the framework of the Hellenic Presidency of the EU Council.

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This year, the EMN Conference aims to support the policymaking process on a number of key areas of irregular migration policy, namely readmission, return, reintegration and cooperation with countries of transit and origin, as well as re-entry bans and (alternatives to) detention.